Friday, May 9, 2014

Comments on: Desegregating Schools

    My classmate Skye wrote an article about "Desegregating Schools". I found this article to be written from a young persons perspective. She likens the brown v board of education case to one of pure economics. As if, being rich or poor was the only factor at that time. That is not the case and I'm sure she knows that. During that time, If you were anything other than white, you were not going to get to go to whites. It didn't matter how much money you had. If you were not white, you could not attend.
    Skye also makes reference to the difference in expectations between rich and poor schools. On this she is absolutely correct. My experience in high school is similar to hers. I had moved from Hawaii back to Texas and needed a tutor because I was so far behind. It is hard to set expectations for the nations children if there is such a huge disparage between schools and districts. Many states have minimum standards test and most school just teach to meet those minimum standards. We should be look to surpass those standards.

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