Friday, May 9, 2014


    The fact that most democrats and moderate republicans are for immigration reform, but it cannot get passed the House is a disturbing thing. In an article by Maeve Reston in the LA Times, he talks about how Jeb Bush is takes shots at both side for not getting it passed. No matter how long and wide you build the border wall, an illegal alien need only succeed in crossing the wall once to get here.  Illegal immigration is a symptom of the disconnect between government policies and economic reality, and until those two come closer together, border walls will continue to not work. The plan will produce a plan for undocumented immigrants already in the United States and reform the legal immigration system to encourage economic development, including giving foreign math and science graduates green cards. Those undocumented immigrants without criminal records will have to pay a fine and back taxes, and will then be placed at the end of the green card waiting list. They must also pass another background check, learn English and American civics, and show they have an employment history.  These are terms that have a wide range of support and would pass if it were not for a few tea party republicans who place saying no to Obama above all else. The good of the country should be placed above the political differences of a few.

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