Friday, February 21, 2014

Time for a thaw in U.S.-Cuba relations

In an article published in the LA times, the author "The Times editorial board", expresses how we are long over due for a change in relations with Cuba. They site how studies have shown that the majority of Americans are in favor of easing sanctions. A poll, commissioned by the Washington-based Atlantic Council research group, found that 6 in 10 Americans favor normalizing diplomatic relations with Cuba. They do however show both sides of the argument by stating that  a Florida International University survey just three years ago found that 53% of Cuban Americans in Miami-Dade County opposed ending the 1962 embargo, even though a similar percentage believed the embargo had not been effective, and a majority supported easing restrictions on traveling to and investing in Cuba. The article is well written and tells the story down the middle. Cuba's human rights record will continue to be a problem with any change in relations.,0,3354954.story#axzz2u1Rb7PBU

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